Ruhaan, a fraudster posing as an exorcist, takes on a lucrative case at a haunted castle, unraveling a sinister plot involving mischievous priests, culminating in a hilarious yet thrilling ride filled with unexpect
A comic caper about Happy Singh, a Punjabi villager who goes through a series of misadventures and eventually becomes the King of the Australian underworld
3 men, considered as losers in their lives by the people, plan to get rich along with their girlfriends by fooling 2 gangsters and robbing their money
A casual encounter between two strangers, Ruhaan and Reet, sends them to visit Reets hometown in Rajasthan, where they uncover an old secret that results in panic
Bank robbers, diamond thieves, a ministers homicide, and a hyper wife are just some of the challenges faced by a bumbling senior police officer