In the distant future, humans are declared illegal residents and hunted to near extinction by murderous robots One day, a group of human scavengers come across a strange man named Killy, who may be the key to human
Humanitys desperate battle to reclaim the Earth from Godzilla continues The key to defeating the King of the Monsters may be Mechagodzilla, a robotic weapon thought to have been lost nearly 20,000 years ago
A desperate group of refugees attempts to recolonize Earth 20,000 years after Godzilla took over, but one young man wants revenge above all else
Humanity, their alien allies, and Godzilla all enter their endgame as the powerful destructive entity known as Ghidorah arrives on Earth
Nagate Tanikaze trains to become a Garde pilot and defend the Sidonia from a hostile alien species called Gauna