Peter Parker, the beloved superhero Spider Man, faces four destructive elemental monsters while on holiday in Europe Soon, he receives help from Mysterio, a fellow hero with mysterious origins
A small town sheriff sets out to find the two kids who have taken his car on a joy ride
Peter Parker tries to stop Adrian The Vulture Toomes from selling weapons made with advanced Chitauri technology while trying to balance his life as an ordinary high school student
Two rival fixers cross paths when theyre both called in to help cover up a prominent New York officials misstep Over one explosive night, theyll have to set aside their petty grievances and their egos to finish the
A loving father finds a clown suit for his sons birthday party, only to realize that its cursed
With Spider Mans identity now revealed, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help When a spell goes wrong, dangerous foes from other worlds start to appear, forcing Peter to discover what it truly means to be Spider Man
Peter Parker, a new student at the famous Horizon High, fights evil super villains as the costumed superhero, Spider Man