Search Results For : kenneth j hall

The Halfway House (200

The Halfway House (2004)

IMDb: 3.9

Young girls are disappearing in and around the Mary Magdalen Halfway House for Troubled Girls Desperate to find out what became of her sister, Larissa Morgan goes undercover to infiltrate the Catholic run instituti

Evil Spawn (1987)

Evil Spawn (1987)

IMDb: 3.6

A scientist is using Microbes in experiments but dies before the work is finished An aging actress injects herself the serum and the bacterium transforms her into a hideous bug alien resulting in an attrition probl

Ghost Writer (1989)

Ghost Writer (1989)

IMDb: 5.6

A writer moves into a Malibu beach house, and comes up against the ghost of an actress who supposedly had committed suicide there 30 years previously, but had been murdered by her boyfriend The ghost asks the write

Linnea Quigleys Horror

Linnea Quigleys Horror Workout (1990)

IMDb: 5.5

After a nice shower, Linnea does some warm up stretches and then goes for a run She encounters some flabby zombies who follow her back to the house, where she leads them in some poolside