During violent manifestations in late 1960s in Japan, a group of students who called themselves the Rose Colored Regiment hide in the house of a mysterious young man, and have sex with the same girl while waiting f
From an apartment belonging to a single woman, two detectives spy on sex obsessed radical
A man keeps a young employee tied up in his small apartment and tortures her She is undressed, subjected to various types of bondage, whipped, and tortured with a razor blade
A suicidal woman and a disillusioned political couple meet on a beach
A revolutionary faction steals some hand bombs While escaping, several soldiers are killed The movements highest authority deems October unfit and sends the leader of another faction to take the remaining bombs
A curse on the lives of a noble but unholy family including a womanizer and a yakuza in Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, a remote community, casts its shadow over several generations
A story about a female reporter investigating sex workers in Shinjuku