Omnibus film with individual segments directed by Renato Castellani, Luigi Comencini and Franco Rossi all of them starring the radiant Catherine Spaak as out of place women longing for love, in a Sicillian village,
A harsh study about the grim realities of life in a female prison environment The story concerns a young girl sent to prison who experiences the entire prison subculture The inmates she befriends vary from tough da
Married couple Pasquale and Maria live in a palace supposedly haunted by ghosts and pay no rent When Pasquale finds some food in the cupboard he thinks the ghosts are at work, but it is actually Marias lover, a ver
In Shakespeares classic play, the Montagues and Capulets, two families of Renaissance Italy, have hated each other for years, but the son of one family and the daughter of the other fall desperately in love and sec