Having abandoned modern civilization, Ryoichi lives an isolated, self sufficient life on a snow covered mountain and sends mail bombs to the CEOs of corporations and TV networks One day, he encounters a mysterious
Completing Toshiaki Toyodas politically urgent Resurrection Trilogy following Wolfs Calling 2019 and The Day of Destruction 2020, this electrifying short follows a man tasked with assisting in the ritual suicide of
A cult leader is as cynical as the next and picks up a loose woman at a bar one night This is followed by a car accident, which sends the woman into a coma Anticipating attempts on the cult leaders life his assista
A family struggling to live together even with the outrageous behaviors from each family members
A girl finds an old handgun in her attic and the symbolic object conjures a mystical scene of samurai gathering within the moss grown location of Kasosan Shrine in Tochigi Prefecture