In their hometown of Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture, Akinori Kimura Sadao Abe and his wife Mieko Miho Kanno open an apple orchard Because of Meikos allergic reaction to pesticides, without the help of chemicals, Akino
A university student finds himself wrapped up in the bizarre world of his next door neighbor, learning about his history and relationship with a girl who changed his life
An author of mystery novels helps a student to uncover the tragic story of the people who lived in her apartment before which is filled with anger, hatred, murder and suicide
Several seemingly unrelated but surprisingly intertwined tales reveal how a Japanese band that independently invented punk rock in 1975 is, 37 years later, connected to a comet that is about to destroy the world
The talented medical staff at Tojo University Hospital finds themselves ensnared in a web of intrigue and scandal