Follows the story of teenager Billy Bloom who, despite attending an ultra conservative high school, makes the decision to run for homecoming queen
James is 17 and is pretty sure he is a psychopath Alyssa, also 17, is the cool and moody new girl at school The pair make a connection and she persuades him to embark on a road trip in search of her real father
The social and class divisions in early 20th century England through the intersection of three families the wealthy Wilcoxes, the gentle and idealistic Schlegels and the lower middle class Basts
A 50 year old caretaker is employed to look after 10 year old girl His most important task is to maintain her dentures that are made of ice and must be changed several times a day
Based on the classic book by Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit celebrates the magic of unconditional love When William receives a new favorite toy for Christmas, he discovers a lifelong friend and unlocks a wo
A nuclear family unravels in the South of France
In the school set re working of Cyrano, an awkward but imaginative pupil helps the handsome but spectacularly dim school hero pursue the fiery daughter of a visiting French teacher
After receiving a file with details of three unexplained cases of apparitions, skeptical professor Phillip Goodman embarks on a terrifying trip