A bleak organization of prostitutes traffickers realizes sinister business in the wild West Seasoned by provocative sexy scenes, the film will surprise for its beauty
A deadly look into the savage world of gangsters The aftermath of a holdup turns into a game of deceit and doublecross A vengeful woman brings about the destruction of the entire gang of ruthless killers
Two wealthy aristocrats lure a virginal girl to a Spanish island for a night of sex, death and cannibalism
A beautiful female vampire lures men to their doom
A wealthy father hires a young woman in need of a job to take care of his depressed and paralysed daughter, as well as his lonely, sensuous but adopted daughter
After her recent release from a deep psychiatric care institution, a Libertine styled countess goes back to her very evil ways and fixes her eyes on a pretty girl with the intention to destroy her after fully corru
Justine is a poor serving girl who tries to maintain her virtue and her standards Unfortunately, she is victimized by everyone she encounters
In medieval France, traveler Pygar tells he man Karzan Maciste in the French version of his recent journey to a place called Antigua, and of its entire community of Amazons promising undreamed of sexual satisfactio