A group of retired spies once former enemies, are forced to work together in an attempt to retrieve a neutron bomb stolen by a group of new wave, high tech operatives who have supplanted them in the post Cold War i
Ray McMichael is a struggling writerdirector trying to catch a buzz in Hollywood In order to spice up his latest script Ray enlists the aid of super pretentious Weston Craig, master of the hip cat lingo Weston quic
Five young individuals live in an isolated lodge, filming their daily activities, but the house is locked down, and they encounter a murderous serial killer
A father and husband tries to come to terms and forgiveness with the murderer of his family When his attempt to meet with the murderer after his released from prison is thwarted by a robbery at the diner where they
A race of alien robots have conquered Earth and forced humanity underground After 400 years, a small group of humans develop a plan to defeat the mechanical invaders in the ultimate battle between man and machine