On a distant planet inhabited by mutants, two bounty hunters race to rescue three Earth female captives from the clutches of an evil mutant warlord
A Hollywood film director assembles a group of friends and strangers for a social gathering on Valentines Day in a deserted movie theatre where he interviews them all on their opinions on love and loneliness
A comic book artist loses his hand, which in turn takes on a murderous life of its own
A girl befriends a mischievous English ghost trying to scare her family his descendants back to America
A man who is arrested for rape swears it wasnt him but somebody who looks just like him, but the victim insists it was him
A delicious, mysterious goo that oozes from the earth is marketed as the newest dessert sensation, but the tasty treat rots more than teeth when zombie like snackers who only want to consume more of the strange sub