A group of four teenage friends become trapped in a Mexican border tunnel where they fall prey, one by one, to tortured ghosts who haunt it
A military commander stationed off planet during an interplanetary war travels through the devastated landscape to negotiate a peace treaty, but discovers that the primitive robots they built to kill enemy combatan
Jessica is a struggling chef living in a trendy New York borough Prince Jack, whos in the city for his familys annual Christmas charity dinner, finds himself in need of a last minute chef for a royal event when he
After his five year old daughter is murdered, a loving family man becomes convinced that the oddball down the street is guilty
When a young high school football took a hit that paralyzed him on the field, his life turned to despair and loneliness until a chance moment brought him from the depths of hell to the joys of being a hero to all
Arthur Lyle miraculously discovers the secret to stopping an evil dragon named Lord Darksmoke who threatens to destroy all civilization
Marco Polonis family owns a bakery in the Bronx and it seems that they have fallen on hard times and his family is considering selling the bakery Marco then decides to enter a baking competition hoping that the mon
A singer and songwriter, who gave up his dream is entered into a Reality TV songwriting contest But after losing the first two rounds, he takes on a win at all costs attitude, even if winning means losing himself
After their cars collide on a desert highway in the middle of nowhere, two friends and a woman they both like must wait for someone to pass by and help them Unfortunately, those who do stop turn out to be criminals