Mystery and suspense series based on Robert Parkers Spenser novels Spenser, a private investigator living in Boston, gets involved in a new murder mystery each episode
In the vicinity of the liberated planet of Bajor, the Federation space station Deep Space Nine guards the opening of a stable wormhole to the far side of the galaxy
Documentary style series about the era of the dinosaurs, mixing real locations and CGI
Socially anxious hitman Melvin Smiley, an expert in his lucrative field, goes on a job and falls in love with his kidnapping victim, turning his world upside down
A homicide detective and a fire marshal must stop a pair of murderers who commit videotaped crimes to become media darlings
The Captains is a feature length documentary film written and directed by William Shatner The film follows Shatner as he interviews the other actors who have portrayed Starship captains within the illustrious scien