In this adaptation of the Henry James novel set in 19th century New York City, a wealthy spinster with an overbearing father is pursued by a handsome fortune hunter who may be only after her money
A successful veternarian amp radio show host with low self esteem asks her model friend to impersonate her when a handsome man wants to see her
An epic tale following a gang of Victorian women who find themselves with unusual abilities, relentless enemies, and a mission that might change the world
Two gifted high school students execute a perfect murder then become engaged in an intellectual contest with a seasoned homicide detective
Marcus Aylesbury has his fair share of dilemmas and secrets in his family His wife cant tell the difference between a shrink and a shop and his eight year old son Orlando spray paints his rabbits name on the walls
A Catholic teacher meets an atheist journalist, whom a group of Catholics and Priests believes has been chosen by the devil to be the Antichrist
A thirtysomething bank clerk from St Albans has his small town life exploded by the arrival of his Russian mail order bride
Kidnapped in Africa and subsequently enslaved in South Carolina, Aminata must navigate a revolution in New York, isolation in Nova Scotia, and the treacherous jungles of Sierra Leone, in an attempt to secure her fr
A struggling horror writer visiting a small town on a book tour gets caught up in a murder mystery involving a young girl That night in a dream, he is approached by a mysterious young ghost named V
The English town of Kingsbridge works to survive as the King leads the nation into the Hundred Years War with France while Europe deals with the outbreak of the Black Death
In this bittersweet comedy, four adult siblings gather at their dying mothers house in North Carolina for what they expect to be a quick, last goodbye Instead, they find themselves trapped together for two weeks
A lonely boy discovers a mysterious egg that hatches a sea creature of Scottish legend
Sam loves facts He wants to know about UFOs and horror movies and airships and ghosts and scientists, and how it feels to kiss a girl And because he has leukemia he wants to know the facts about dying Sam needs ans
Based on the remarkable true story of a satirical newspaper published on the front lines of World War One, this poignant yet comedic drama revels in the extraordinary resilience of the human spirit in the face of o
Two lost teenage boys, from Congo and Britain, meet in Morocco and take a road trip in a stolen RV to France, encountering poverty and refugees on the way