This movie follows the story of three friends in Korea, all three of whom drop out of school The main character is Min, a tough guy whose widowed mother is a drunk The story traces his journey from high school to t
At a South Korean university most students are busy having a good time A 28 y o and his horny friends are always getting into hilarious situations He likes a much younger, pretty girl but she likes someone else
In a future where energy is made from fecal matter, the government rewards defecation with juicybars Small time hustlers try to get rich while fending off the mutated Diaper Gang
A thriller about the passengers with different objectives on board a cruiser headed for China, being chased over and over again and unexpected happening of things
Sang yeol, a 30 something loser stuck in a dead end job as a home shopping model, is able to marry the girl of his dreams his modeling colleague So yeon when he discovers shes pregnant with his child But after marr