In a post apocalyptic world full of terrifying mutants known as gargoyles, survivors of the last human colony battles against intruding gargoyles a few miles below the Earths surface
TV producer CLAIR ARCHER, charged with the murder of her co producer, hires top attorney Simon Mitchell to defend her Though happily married, Simon falls for Clairs seductive wiles and
Movie producer Alan Clay wants to make a movie about Dr Claire Archer and her amazing life story shes been forced to kill two men in self defence Claire falls for Alan, and Alan
After Captain Murphy lost some of his men on his last mission to Mexico to bring back a US Senator, he has been plagued with unhappiness and bad dreams When Murphy is given orders to go
Angela, the beautiful Mexican mistress of a NY mobster, asks virginal Father Michael for protection after Zena, the mobsters wife, kills her cheating husband Michael becomes torn between his vows, Angela and his si
A former Vietnam War lieutenant reforms his old team in order to help a revolutionarys sister overthrow a ruthless dictator
A Friday in the life of the disco club The Zoo, where the staff and clients meet and dance their lives away