Its the start of WWII in Northern Australia The Japanese are getting close People are evacuating and burning everything in a scorched earth policy Rather than kill all their cattle, a disparate group decides to dri
A human smuggling racket off the Australian coast prompts the authorities to request a pearl divers help in the investigation
Steve McAllister, an Australian official for The New Guinea Administration, gets orders to investigate an oil discovery by Ned Shark Eye Kelly in the interior He selects his native policeman, Sergeant Major Towalak
Tommy Tommy Trinder is called in to smooth things out after Wally King Chips Rafferty encroaches upon Aboriginal tribal ground
After a bad gambling bet, a schoolteacher is marooned in a town full of crazy, drunk, violent men who threaten to make him just as crazy, drunk, and violent
During WW2, Lt Rip Crandall, who was a yachtsman before the war, takes command of the USS Echo, a sailing ship, for a secret mission in waters patrolled by Japanese warships
An Italian sports journalist arrives in Australia but finds no work The only employment he can find is as a builders labourer At first, he cannot comprehend the culture, but eventually he finds mateship and romance