The lives of a group of highly gifted young physicists known as the Via Panisperna Boys, led by Enrico Fermi One of them, Ettore Majorana, mysteriously disappeared in 1938
Tommaso is the youngest son of the Cantones, a large, traditional southern Italian family operating a pasta making business since the 1960s On a trip home from Rome, where he studies literature and lives with his b
Loosely based on the novel by Simon Wiesenthal, which tells the true story of an absolute love between Max, a Jew, and a promising student, and Helene, the young daughter of a staunch anti Semitic It is also the st
Tommaso hits a blond girl with his car She suffers from amnesia after the accident and asks for help Tommaso tries, keeps in touch and falls in love with her When she finally regains her memory her former life catc