A seemingly peaceful alien race, arrives at earth and asks for help to ensure their own planets survival However, the visitors agenda turns out be much darker
A resistance movement is formed in Los Angeles under the medical scientist Julie Parrish Visitor dissidents opposing their leaders plans join their cause to fight the alien oppression by leader John and his right h
Rising rock star, TJ Cray, gets the shot of a lifetime, an audition with a A R man On the way into the city, a carload of drunks smash into his car, severing his hands He drops out of
An armada of extraterrestrial spaceships hovers over the major cities of Earth The humanoid aliens called the Visitors claim they came in peace to seek human help, but soon strange
Two attorneys adopt a mysterious orphan girl as their daughter, unaware she is the new Antichrist, next in line to Damien Thorn
Donovan is reunited with his son and joins the international Resistance headed by Ham Tyler and Chris Farber
The adventures of Midwestern high school students visiting New York City to celebrate their impending graduation
Donovan turns himself over to the aliens in order to save his son Diana hears her colleagues are plotting against her
A spoiled rich girl used to getting her way comes up against a rancher who wont be intimidated by her