Based on a true story, this film by JCFilms follows the path of the Jonah Family in remembrance of the loss of their son, Jack, to a heroin overdose The film brings awareness to the drugopioid crisis in Massachuset
Two youth counselors bring a group of emotionally troubled teens deep into the woods for a weekend of solitude and confrontational therapy The trip turns deadly when they are terrorized by a cannibalistic hermit wi
A raccoon ingests a discarded synthetic drug and mutates into a vicious killer It rampages through a mountain community, threatening campers, tourists, and residents No one is safe from the monstrous raccoons viole
A remarkable woman named Astrid uses unconventional methods to change the lives of an entire community Based on the award winning book A Promise to Astrid
Michelle is the night auditor of the Sleepytime Inn, where she handles irate guests with insane complaints, incompetent coworkers, stingy bosses, and physically exhausting adventures
When a man Michael Ochotorena, John Light, Dispatched wakes up under a bridge to discover he no longer knows who he is or how he got there, his life brutally unfolds as a homeless person Enduring the scorn of rando