Set in the 1960s, this film is a story about a man without money or plans and his struggles with reality, based on the bestselling novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
A human drama about a man who would do anything for money becoming friends with a child who is then taken hostage
A detective fiction authoress makes a lot of romantic and funny stories with a criminal police and a fascinating sweet guy when she traces a serial killer,
At a South Korean university most students are busy having a good time A 28 y o and his horny friends are always getting into hilarious situations He likes a much younger, pretty girl but she likes someone else
Kyu sik is a seminary student, who one day falls during a church service, dropping a precious, pope blessed relic As punishment, he and his comic relief friend Seon dal are sent away to a small church in rural Kore
Adventure of 3 korean female warrior, Jin Ok, Hong Dan and Ga Bi as the three most legendary bounty hunters in the Joseon dynasty