Follows a troubled young woman returning to her hometown of Niagara Falls, where the memory of a long ago kidnapping quickly ensnares her
After a chance encounter with a man forgotten from his youth, Fred literally and metaphorically journeys into his past
A runaway seeks refuge with her aunt and uncle in Baltimore and finds their marriage ending and her cousin in crisis In the days that follow, the family struggles to let go of the past while searching for new thing
The plan to make a trip back home as short as possible begins to unravel as Eric finds himself balancing the challenging relationship with his two sisters and his addiction to a local poker game
For thirty five years, Nora has been the postmaster of Colewell, when the USPS decides to close her office, she must choose whether to relocate for a new position or face retirement in Colewell
The story of a young man who, after losing his mother, goes to work with a doctor specializing in lobotomies and therapies
A freewheeling take on visionary inventor Nikola Tesla, his interactions with Thomas Edison and J P Morgans daughter Anne, and his breakthroughs in transmitting electrical power and light