When yakuza member Okamoto (Hitoshi Ozawa) begins to search for Nami (Reiko Yasuhara), a woman he saw in an underground porn video, he finds himself on a path to his own destruction. Action film based on a manga by
Three criminals pull off a major heist at a Tokyo bank and one of them hides the money in aplace that only he knows while the rest go into hiding A year later, the one who hid the money is now dead and the two rema
A small time Yakuza thug is thrown into a bloody battle after a bank robbery he was forced into goes wrong when all the men begin to turn on each other a hitch hiking serial killing couple decide to steal their loo
Kaiko City is plagued with poverty and crime When a corrupt businessman decides to run for mayor and starts eliminating opponents from the rival mafia, a former police captain serving time for murder is secretly re