After country singer Will Browns wife passes away, his grief sidelines his career and pushes him away from his young daughter until a bright and talented horse trainer shows him strength, forgiveness and grace to l
Demon hunter Gabriel reunites with team after loss They travel from America to Europe fighting evil forces Gabriel uncovers friend Michaels secret, works with mystic Hannah amidst tragedies and betrayals
A best selling author hides her love for Christmas after an ugly break up, finding love again when she joins a website for people who are crazy about Christmas Christmas Lovers Anonymous
Jenna is a fashion designer who works for her friends boutique Their failing business was saved by a famous influencer When Jenna comes to a lavish Hamptons wedding, she was mistaken for her, but she decides to go
Two women magically switch bodies during the holidays and learn valuable lessons about family, love and Christmas cheer
After an encounter with a troubled student crosses the line, a young high school teacher struggles between giving into her desires and doing the right thing
A gay man nearing 30, and in a 7 year relationship rut, taps into an otherworldly Internet ad that starts omnisciently controlling his life
Movie star Grayson Kane is about to bring the hottest new comic book superhero to the big screen, but first, he must get the creators approval and she is no pushover