The orderly suburban life of a 1950s English town is turned on its head when the teenage daughter of one of the residents writes a steamy bestseller featuring characters obviously based on the local population They
While casing a bank he intends to rob, tough gangster Leo LAmericano Robert Beatty discovers that Antonio Pellegrini Robert Beatty, a meek and mild clerk in the bank, is his exact double Leo kidnaps Antonio and rob
A woman is murdered, but she is seen in different ways by different people
A researcher investigating a notorious serial killer who was hanged 20 years earlier seemingly becomes possessed by the long dead strangler
Andrew Crocker Harris Michael Redgrave, a classics teacher at an English school, is afflicted with a heart ailment and an unfaithful wife Jean Kent His interest in his pupils wanes as he looks towards his final day
A golddigger inspires her older lover to murder wealthy women for the finances to keep her happy