Matsutaro Yasuda, a retired girls High School Principal who has lost his wife to alcoholism and is forsaken by his Daughter, moves to an old apartment in a country town Yasuda, at his new address, meets a little fi
Iemitsu, Tokugawa Shogun III, hates his eldest son Takechiyo all his love is given to his younger son Tokumatsu One day, he orders Takechiyo to an initiation rite in Yedo todays Tokio Takechiyo lives far away under
Near the turbulent end of the Edo era, a man returning to Japan after exile in America searches for his wife and becomes swept up in the current of revolution in this incisive period drama from the great Shohei Ima
A man who is jailed for murdering his family after he confessed, escapes His only chance at freedom is his new love interest that tries to shield him from the authorities
Thrown together by chance during the robbery of a jewelry store by a Yakuza gang, five women take advantage of the situation to make off with the heists loot, while a man hunts the same gang for the rape and subseq
The famous woodblock artist Hokusai 1760 1849, a widower in need of a steady income, lives with his daughter Oei in the house of his friend Bakin
In a poor 19th century rural Japanese village, everyone who reaches the age of 70 has to climb a nearby mountain to die An elderly woman is reaching close to her cut off age during her last days with her family
A Japanese immigrant in 1901 Hong Kong wishes to become a simple shopkeeper Fate soon intervenes, allowing him to mix adventure and fervent patriotism with greed
Chronological exploits of Iwao Enokizu, a murderous thief on the run
The loves and tragedies of a geisha in 1933 Japan
In the 50s, the complicated life of a popular writer who must share his life with his family, his numerous mistresses and his work Adapted from autobiographical story by Kazuo Dan, who published it a few months bef
The story of Iwago, a troubled Japanese man who has grave personal problems and strained relationships with his wife and step children