The story follows the life of Ryunosuke Tsukue, an amoral samurai and a master swordsman with an unorthodox style
The murder of an old man on sacred grounds provokes the intervention of vengeful yokai Japanese spirits
This movie is based on the true life story of a Korean fighter named Choi Bae dal who later changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate in Japan
A giant monster that emits a destructive ray from its back attacks Japan and takes on Gamera
Ryunosuke awakens in the forest having no more idea what happened that previous night, as hed been drunk amp hallucinatory He is surrounded by corpses amp can surmise its his own handiwork
Giant statue exacts revenge upon those who conquer its worshippers
A fishing village is terrorized by a giant whale, and the fishermen are determined to kill it A Japanese variation of the Moby Dick story
Volcanic activity unleashes a bloodthirsty monster called Gyaos that Gamera must confront
Gamera the Flying Turtle falls under the spell of evil aliens, but two children free him and he returns to fight the aliens monster, Viras