Follows Holiday during her career as she is targeted by the Federal Department of Narcotics with an undercover sting operation led by black Federal Agent Jimmy Fletcher, with whom she has a tumultuous affair
In a world where the holidays are run by the efficient Bureau of Yuletide Affairs, a bitter and burned out Ghost of Christmas Past decides to go AWOL while on a mission and leave his target stranded in 1965
A developer attempts to sabotage the safety record of a ski resort
A mad doctor puts together a new body by using body parts he steals from a mortuary at the hospital where he works
Southern Baptist Sissies is the story of four boys who are gay growing up in the Southern Baptist Church and how they each deal differently with the conflict between the teachings of the church and their sexuality
Three friends at a retirement center have their comfortable existence rattled by a newcomer to the community
An aunt and two sisters, one with a gay married son, decide to protest their churchs Anti Equality Revival Their Texas town needs a same sex wedding