A sequel to the anime based on the recently concluded Key Clannad franchise After Story is a new path that opens in the original visual novel after all other options have been traversed
Jack Ridge is a former piano prodigy living on a farm he has let go to seed Hes living in the past, but the future is coming for him
In 2022, a powerful weapon causes a global blackout that has massive implications all over the world
A black op has gone terribly wrong Now, Captain Carmen Ibanez and a hardcore trooper famed as Major Henry Hero Varro must lead a team of battle weary troopers to find the missing ship and discover what went wrong
A fateful encounter what adventuring is all about But for Bell Cranel, meeting a girl doesnt go quite as planned
A girl named Olga is pursued by both the World Government and a man named Mad Treasure, as she is the only one who knows the location of the Pure Gold, a substance that can buy the entire world Olga ends up sailing
A high school student who cares little about school or his future decides to help a lonely girl repeating her final year in re establishing the schools drama club
The universe of the Halo video game series is expanded in seven short animated films from Japans greatest anime directors and studios
Three little girls have fun around Tokyos Ueno Park pretending that theyre protecting the peace of their town
Rescued from the deadly assault on their headquarters, Rune Balot finds temporary shelter in paradise a high tech laboratory where the scramble 09 protocol originated
Not so average teenager, Daisuke Niwa, has had an abnormal life His mother and grandfather have trained him his whole life by setting up traps that can kill him if he doesnt figure them out
A duck turned girl with magical powers must help save a prince from an unfinished fairy tale