Documentary featuring an intimate profile of American rock legend Meat Loaf, spanning from his childhood of domestic violence, through a decade of rejection by record companies to global fame, bust ups and a major
A weapons loaded truck is shadowed by FBI and ATF It explodes and kills the driver Jack, just out of prison, is pressured into driving another truck from Atlanta to NJ Things get rough when hijacking attempts are m
A snobby musical theater camp is terrorized by a blood thirsty killer who hates musical theater
An insomniac office worker and a devil may care soap maker form an underground fight club that evolves into much more
In this action comedy, four twenty something friends are looking for love and having no luck While on a ski trip, one of them finds passion with a beautiful girl after a random accident on the icy slopes The others
Jane Alexander, an attractive, athletic San Francisco woman, is enjoying a comfortable life in Pacific Heights with the man she loves, handsome, charismatic Tom ODonnell Janes idyllic life is shattered when her bel
A young Texas good ol boy has a knack with electronic equipment, and that talent gets him a job as a roadie with a raucous travelling rock and roll show
A sleazy, desperate fur trader haunts a local strip club and gets his hands on some priceless raccoon furs which might be more than just priceless but cursed