Follows Anne, a brilliant lawyer who lives with her husband Pierre and their daughters Anne gradually engages in a passionate relationship with Theo, Pierres son from a previous marriage, putting her career and fam
Vincent, a 20 year old geology student from Paris, goes to French Guyana to do an internship at a gold mining company Taken under the wing of local gold lord Antoine Serra, Vincent quickly falls into the much more
A businessman makes a regular arrangement with a Ukrainian prostitute, despite the youngsters involvement in a controlling street gang
Under threat by fundamentalist terrorists, a group of Trappist monks stationed with an impoverished Algerian community must decide whether to leave or stay
This film is based on the true character of Robert Bob Denard in the 1960s when he fights in the Democratic Republic of Congo As a mercenary, he defends President Mobutu, who won his position after a putsch Despite