Recently divorced, Grace McGuire, embarks on an affair with a younger man, Alex, who works for her at her new restaurant Her life is full, but chaotic, juggling a new business, a new lover, a teenage daughter, and
Two unsuspecting girls purchase a storage locker from a dangerous man who begins hunting them down in an attempt to rescue the locker, which holds incriminating evidence inside
When Lisas father is killed in a hit and run, we discover that he has a secret daughter from his first marriage Her name is Marie and she is a convicted murderer, out on early release from prison, and driven by a s
A young woman enters a Christmas tree decorating contest to honor the memory of her mother, only to discover that the competition includes her recently widowed high school sweetheart, and his adorable 10 year old d
Follows a couple who fall in love through their dogs being best pals