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Nun of That (2008)

Nun of That (2008)

IMDb: 5.5

Nun of That follows Sister Kelly Wrath as she transforms from a nun with a simple temper problem to a vengeful killer

Everwinter Night (2023

Everwinter Night (2023)

IMDb: 6.2

Lifelong best friends, Maddy and V, set out for a relaxing vacation When their old college clique hijack their plans, V finds herself at a remote ski lodge where a group of mysterious wealthy men throw a celebratio

Chupacabra Territory (

Chupacabra Territory (2016)

IMDb: 6.3

The Chupacabra is real and four friends will document it Will they survive

The Sins of Dracula (2

The Sins of Dracula (2014)

IMDb: 4.4

When Billy, a young man of faith, joins the local theater group, he finds more than teenagers involved in all manner of vice, but also a secret cult of Devil worshipers who are hell bent on resurrecting Dracula, th

BLOOD Pi (2016)

BLOOD Pi (2016)

IMDb: 3.7

Halloween season is in full spirit as River Falls University is having their best football season in over a decade and the students are celebrating Jocks, nerds and sorority sisters alike flock to massive parties f