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Mercury Plains (2016)

Mercury Plains (2016)

IMDb: 4.5

A troubled man runs away to Mexico and is recruited to join a paramilitary group of teens fighting the drug cartels He proves himself to the group, but questions their motive

Diablo (2016)

Diablo (2016)

IMDb: 8.2

A young civil war veteran is forced on a desperate journey to save his kidnapped wife

Alarum (2025)

Alarum (2025)


Two rogue spies go off grid, marry, and come under attack at their remote cabin hideaway by various intel agencies seeking a stolen hard drive

The Longest Ride (2015

The Longest Ride (2015)

IMDb: 7.1

Sophia and Luke make an unexpected and fateful connection with Ira, a 90 years old man, when they save him from a car crash Iras memories of his own decades long romance with his beloved wife deeply inspire the you

Texas Chainsaw 3D (201

Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)

IMDb: 4.8

A young woman travels to Texas to collect an inheritance Little does she know that an encounter with a chainsaw wielding killer is part of the reward

Dangerous (2021)

Dangerous (2021)

IMDb: 5.2

Walk of Fame (2016)

Walk of Fame (2016)

IMDb: 6.7

A motley crew of aspiring performers come under the guidance of an eccentric and volatile acting coach

Dawn Patrol (2014)

Dawn Patrol (2014)

IMDb: 4.8

A surfer turned Marine held at gunpoint in a distant desert tells his tragic story of revenge gone wrong to stall his execution

Pacific Rim Uprising (

Pacific Rim Uprising (2018)

IMDb: 5.6

Jake Pentecost, son of Stacker Pentecost, reunites with Mako Mori to lead a new generation of Jaeger pilots, including rival Lambert and 15 year old hacker Amara, against a new Kaiju threat

I Want You Back (2022)

I Want You Back (2022)

IMDb: 6.5

Newly dumped thirty somethings Peter and Emma team up to sabotage their exes new relationships and win them back for good

Overdrive (2017)

Overdrive (2017)

IMDb: 5.4

Two car thief brothers, who journey to the south of France for new opportunities, wind up in the cross hairs of the local crime boss

The Perfect Wave (2014

The Perfect Wave (2014)

IMDb: 4.3

When a surfer is pronounced dead after an accident, hes faced with a choice remain in the eternal afterlife or return and share his experience with the world

Enter Nowhere (2011)

Enter Nowhere (2011)

IMDb: 6.6

Three strangers arrive one by one at a mysterious cabin in the middle of nowhere only to learn theyve been brought together for a reason

The Outpost (2020)

The Outpost (2020)

IMDb: 6.8

A small team of U S soldiers battles against hundreds of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan

1992 (2022)

1992 (2022)

IMDb: 6.3

A shopkeeper must save his son from an angry mob during the 1992 L A uprising after the Rodney King verdict