Based on the notorious Bangkokian gangs of the 1950s 60s The story follows a newly released prisoner who desires to live straight, but knowing nothing else but the life of a gangster, he returns to his old gang
Dina, a girl assassin, works with Keng ,who is betrayed by his organisation Keng meets Charlie,and develops a special connection with him Before dying, Keng makes Charlie the new Gray Fox Guardian
A bumbling YouTube couple on the verge of breaking up connects with a slimy motivational speaker to combat an irate ghost harboring ancient secrets
Three criminals disguise themselves as Buddhist monks in order to recover a treasure buried underneath a temple
The story of Sakkarin continues from Bikeman Sakkarin is now on his full speed hitting on Jai but love comes with as obstacle as he has to face with challenges posted by Jais intimidating father