In the early 1980s, a small group of dedicated Bay Area headbangers shunned the hard rock of MTV and Hollywood hairspray bands in favor of a more dangerous brand of metal that became known as thrash From the tape t
Get Thrashed The Story of Thrash Metal is the story of how bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Exodus and others pioneered a new form of heavy metal in the early 1980s
Slayer The Repentless Killogy is a short narrative film written and directed by BJ McDonnell, that blends the music of Slayer with an uncompromising and unmissable, trilogy of music videos assembled as one chronolo
A continued examination of the heavy metal subculture focusing on the adaptation and performance of heavy metal in various global communities, and how the increased import of Western cultural forms has impacted new
An examination of the heavy metal music subculture that tries to explain why, despite the longevity and popularity of the genre, fans are marginalized and ridiculed for their passion