An animated series based on the popular childrens toy Digimon, in which kids raise and train electronic monsters to fight against those raised by other kids The show follows the adventures of a team of real monster
The future police has a unique division the Attack Mystification Department The operatives have unique training and talents Set to stop the weird happenings going on in the city, and discover whats behind the unkno
Colonel Yamaki is looking for Locke, an ESPer with powers are far beyond imaginable He is supposed to enroll him on a mission to investigate Lady Kahn, a millionaire tycoon who is raising an army of ESPers for an u
After two years in hiding, a famed space pirate with a psychogun for a left arm joins a bounty huntress on a quest to her save her world, only to find himself battling an old enemy
After killing the son of a powerful oil tycoon, an infamous hit man is targeted by American governmental forces and superhuman assassins