Two ostensibly opposite women, both named Nana, become roommates in Tokyo and grow inseparable However, their relationship is jeopardized as the harsh realities of adult life take shape
A special police unit of superhumans is created to deal with a criminal group seeking mystic powers
Having inadvertently revealed his true identity to Josuke, Yoshikage Kira is forced to fight him alongside Okuyasu, but does he have a trick up his sleeve
Naruto and Sakura are captured in a parallel world by Madara, whos intentions are to steal the Nine Tails from Naruto
A free thinking senior at an all girls school teaches her new teacher a lesson hell never forget
A virus begins to grip the Earths population and a group of hopeful survivors are cryogenically frozen in attempt to find a cure But when the group awakens they are flung into a horrifying situation