In a madcap future era, the worlds greatest secret agent struggles to rescue his young son from the clutches of his infamous former mentor
Set a decade after the U S S Voyagers return to Earth, a rag tag crew of renegades and outcasts must covertly work with Admiral Chekov and Tuvok to stop forces threatening the Federation from outside, and within
It is the year 2306 Thirteen years have passed since Captain James T Kirk was swept away by the Nexus, after saving the crew of the USS Enterprise B The remaining crew members of the
NASA finds remains of an ancient humanoid race on the Moon that left behind deadly robots
A look at the many roles played by eclectic actoractivist George Takei, whose wit, humor and grace have helped him to become an internationally beloved figure and Internet phenomenon with 7 million Facebook fans an
Wannabee writer Jay Shaw arrives in NYC He decides if hes going to write fiction about juvenile delinquent gangs, hed best learn what theyre really like Using the alias Phil Beldone, he moves into a flat in a rough