Storyline: Anthropoid (2016) It is December 1941, near the height of Nazi occupation in Europe. Two agents from the Czechoslovak government-in-exile, a Slovak soldier, Jozef GabÄÃk (Cillian Murphy) and a Czech, Jan KubiÅ¡ (Jamie Dornan) are parachuted into their occupied homeland. Jozef is injured when he crashes through a tree upon landing, but both men set out to find their contact in Czechoslovakia. They are discovered shortly after by two resistance fighters who turn out to be traitors; one is shot by Jozef but the other man escapes. Stealing their truck, the agents head for Prague.When they seek out their contact, they are directed to Dr. Eduard (Sean Mahon), who stitches Jozef's foot, and arranges for the agents to meet other members of the resistance, led by