Storyline: Aquarius (2016) Clara (Sônia Braga) is a retired music writer who lives at the Aquarius apartment building in Recife. She refuses to accept a buy-out from developers who wish to reclaim her apartment in order to replace the old building with a large edifice. Even though every one has moved out she holds on to it for sentimental reasons. The developers, especially the proprietor's grandson and American educated designer Diego (Humberto Carrão), try to disturb Clara through renting the vacant apartments near hers for orgies, parties and vandals. Clara, to stop this harassment, digs up dirt on the developers through her contacts. In an open argument, she berates Diego that education without decency amounts to nothing. For this Diego installs termite nests inside empty apartments to evict Clara legally. Clara finds dirty deeds of the developers and threatens them and challenges them; as a cancer survivor, she is ready to face any action...