Storyline: Baby Boy (2001) A 20-year-old man named Joseph "Jody" Summers (Tyrese Gibson) lives with his 36-year-old mother Juanita (Adrienne-Joi Johnson),[6] in South Central Los Angeles. He spends most of his time with his unemployed best friend Sweetpea (Omar Gooding), and does not seem interested in becoming a responsible adult. However, he is forced to mature as a result of an ex-con named Melvin (Ving Rhames), who moves into their home. Another factor is his children—a son Joseph "JoJo" Summers Jr. with his girlfriend of five years, 25-year-old Yvette (Taraji P. Henson) and a daughter with an 18-year-old girl that he cheated on Yvette with named Peanut (Tamara LaSeon Bass) who also lives with her mother...