Storyline: Despicable Me 2 A mysterious vehicle using a huge magnet steals a highly potent mutagen known as PX-41 from a secret laboratory in the Arctic Circle. The Anti-Villain League (AVL), headed by Silas Ramsbottom, tries to recruit former supervillain Gru to track down those responsible and recover the mutagen, but Gru refuses, claiming that he is now a legitimate businessman and devoted father to Margo, Edith, and Agnes. Dr. Nefario, Gru's friend and assistant, longs to go back to villainy and leaves Gru for new employment. Gru reluctantly agrees to investigate the theft, and is partnered with undercover AVL agent Lucy Wilde.The pair begin their search in the Paradise Shopping Mall, disguised as bakery employees. Gru immediately suspects Mexican restaurant owner, Eduardo Pérez, of being the infamous