Storyline: Hereditary (2018) Annie Graham, an artist who specializes in miniatures, lives with her husband, Steve, their 16-year-old son Peter, and their 13-year-old daughter Charlie. At the funeral of her secretive mother, Ellen, Annie delivers a eulogy explaining their fraught relationship. Shortly after, Steve is informed that Ellen's grave has been desecrated, while Annie thinks she sees Ellen in her workshop. At a support group for those who have lost loved ones, Annie reveals that, growing up, the rest of her family suffered from mental illness that resulted in their deaths.Annie forces Peter to take Charlie to a party with him. Unsupervised, Charlie eats cake containing nuts, which she is allergic to, and falls into anaphylactic shock. On the way to the hospital, Charlie partially climbs out of the window to get air. Peter swerves to avoid a dead animal and Charlie is decapitated by a telephone pole. The family grieves following Charlie's funeral, heightening tensions between Annie and Peter. Peter is plagued by Charlie's presence around the house....