Storyline: Seed of Chucky (2004) Six years after the previous film, Glen, the kind and gentle son of Chucky and Tiffany, has a nightmare in which he murders a little girl's parents. In reality, he is living a life of embarrassment and abuse as a ventriloquist's dummy. After being forced to perform and locked inside a cage, Glen sees Chucky and Tiffany on television and discovers that he is their son.Desperate to know his parents, Glen manages to escape his abusive owner and tracks Chucky and Tiffany to Hollywood. He finds himself in the prop room of Jennifer Tilly's horror film, which includes the Chucky and Tiffany dolls. Glen uses a voodoo amulet to bring them back to life. Chucky faints when he learns that Glen is his son, but Tiffany is overjoyed and hugs her child. When a puppeteer starts taking Tiffany apart, she and Chucky decapitate him with a piano wire. Jennifer finds the beheaded body and calls the police. Chucky, Tiffany, and Glen ride home with her in a limousine....