Storyline: The Game Is Over 1966 In Paris, Maxime visits his wealthy industrialist father Alexandre and his beautiful young Canadian wife, Renee Alexandre fathered him years ago in a prior marriage and he has come to stay with them after studying in England Renee tells Maxime that she married Alexandre when she was pregnant following an unhappy love affair the child was stillborn and the passion between the two has faded They begin an affair and fall in love with each other Renee, who came from a wealthy family, asks Alexandre for a divorce He agrees, on the condition that she leaves the fortune she brought to their marriage invested in his business Renee accepts this and goes to Switzerland for a divorce But while she is away, Alexandre confronts his son with two alternatives he can either run off with now penniless Renee or become engaged to Anne, the daughter of a wealthy banker whose support Alexandre needs for his business Maxime agrees on the second course of action Renee returns from Switzerland to find Alexandre holding a ball celebrating Maximes engagement to Anne Renee throws herself into the pool to kill herself but then changes her mind and dripping wet enters the party Alexandre escorts her to the gymnasium, where she sits and stares into an empty future