Storyline: The Sasquatch Gang (2006) Young sci-fi/fantasy enthusiast Gavin Gore (Jeremy Sumpter) and his ragtag group of nerd friends, girlfriend Sophie Suchowski (Addie Land), swordsman Hobie Plumber (Hubbel Palmer), and young Maynard Keyes (Rob Pinkston) stumble upon some "large tracks" and a "big ole sasquatch dumplin'" whilst walking some trails in the nearby woods. Unbeknownst to the friends, two of Gavin's redneck neighbors, Zerk Wilder (Justin Long) and Shirts Joachim (Joey Kern) planted some fake evidence as a plan to gain profits and pay off Zerk's credit card bill. Soon the publicity stunt gains the attention of a local Sasquatch "expert" (Carl Weathers)....